[George Frideric Handel Anthony Baines Charles Mackerras Oxford University Press. Anledningen var att fira slutet på Österrikiska tronföljdskriget och fredsfördraget i Aix-la-Chapelle 1748 Get this from a library! The music for the royal fireworks : for wind instruments or wind and strings. Music for the Royal Fireworks (HWV 351) (Musik till det kungliga fyrverkeriet) är en svit komponerad av Georg Friedrich Händel 1749 på uppdrag av kung Georg II av Storbritannien till fyrverkeriet i Green Park i London den 27 april 1749. It was to celebrate the end of the War of the Austrian Succession and the signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 1748 The Music for the Royal Fireworks (HWV 351) is a wind band suite composed by George Frideric Handel in 1749 under contract of George II of Great Britain for the fireworks in London's Green Park on 27 April 1749. I also leave Händel for what it is and add own music, inspired by Händel. The orchestral part of Händel is unchanged but often cut into pieces to let the piano play. This is an arrangement of 'The Musick for the Royal Fireworks' by Georg Friedrich Händel for piano and the Händel-orchestra, in fact I have made a pianoconcerto of it.
The royal victory celebration on April 27, 1749, was to be a real show in every sense of that term: over 100 cannons would fire a thunderous salute, followed by a massive fireworks show, and Handel was commissioned to write music to accompany all this.
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See More Your browser does not support the audio element. This exceptional album was recorded in 1998 and the 20-bit recording is extraordinary in its clarity and warmth.
To fill out the program, Tafelmusik also plays the three concertos for two horns, which are a marvelous complement to the Music for the Royal Fireworks in their exuberant tone and similar musical content. The music's regal grandeur fully comes across in this exciting recording, and the strong emphasis on the woodwinds and brass give the proper volume and brusqueness of a piece written for outdoor performance. This is among Handel's most popular works and the joyous fanfares and noble airs of this celebratory suite are played here with period instrumentation and historically informed performance practices by Jeanne Lamon and Tafelmusik. One of the glories of the Baroque era, George Frederick Handel's Music for the Royal Fireworks was composed in 1749 to celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle and the end of the War of the Austrian Succession. Purchase and download this album in a wide variety of formats depending on your needs.